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Hanna Suros

I graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, where I majored in film/animatio/video. My personal artistic path involves creating work that is rooted in my real-life experiences, but I always apply a dream-like twist to them. I believe that by doing so, I am able to explore complex themes and emotions in a way that is both fantastical and deeply personal.

One of the most productive week of my life

I struggle to find the words to accurately capture my experience at the Invisible Myths workshop. I impulsively applied after stumbling on an Instagram ad. It felt like quite a risk to fly across the world for a workshop I knew nothing about to a country I had never been to. Yet, I sensed it was risk worth taking, which it was. I arrived to such warmth from not only the beautiful scenery and charming hotel but also from everyone involved with Invisible Myths including the inspiring professors who I grew close to very quickly.


The memory of waking up in Aegina everyday and getting to work, eat, and play with such talented people will forever be etched in my mind. Though I was only a week, it turned out to be one of the most productive week of my life, everyday was filled with an intense work schedule that transitioned from planning, writing, shooting, and editing. We always found the time to savor magical moments together, both during work and in between. Mariangela and Oliwia acknowledged each and every one of our creative aspirations and guided us to achieve the seemingly impossible.


There is no other word to describe the experience but mythical. 

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